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Transitioning from academia to a commercial environment is difficult 


The skills required inside and outside academia are different. Many people moving out of academia are unsure of the path ahead or what they will lose as they change career path. Postdocs often need training to present themselves with gravitas to a commerical audience. When this is done well, staff move on to achieve their career goals with confidence and often return to their academic roots as collaborators in the future. 


Inspoda provides individual mentoring to postdocs to manage this transition, focusing on gaining the skills listed below.


Together with Anrah Development Inspoda provides workshops for groups of PhD students and early postdocs to gain vital career management skills. Workshops on the following topics can be delivered singly, or as a series as required. For more information on training delivered as modular packages, please click on ANRAH's logo below.


Building a compelling presence on LinkedIn

CV writing to demonstrate evidence of skills 

Developing Gravitas to present well and engage with an audience 

Networking skills to enhance employment chances and increase impact

Leadership skills to identify and build on leadership style 

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